
Eventually the completed version of this page will contain just "ME" content ... what I like, dislike, etc, etc.  Until then ...

The evolution of my homepage has become a topic recently with some friends, so I thought I would post what little I could find.  Link #1 below was actually my second major effort back in mid-1995.  Many of the links will be inactive or broken, and the forms unusable.  #2 is the version which didn't have much linked content open to the public, but occupied the domain for about two years.

1) http://www.netlink.co.uk/yike  (circa 1994)
2) http://www.yeichner.com (circa 1998)

Take a peek into my favorites, last captured late 2000-ish.



Webmaster:  Rob Yeichner / rob@yeichner.com
Page last updated on:  Thursday, 05 February 2004